The baseline postdoctoral stipend for new postdocs in 2022 is $54,840 (this was raised from $53,760 in 2021). This increases to approximately $66,600 for those with seven or more years of experience.
Postdoctoral salary guideline from NIH (2022)
The National Institute of health (NIH) stipends, provided through the National Research Service Award (NRSA) program, are used as a guideline by U.S. institutions for compensation of postdocs.
Year of experience Postdoc NIH Stipend (USD)
0 54 840
1 55 224
2 55 632
3 57 852
4 59 784
5 61 992
6 64 296
7 or More 66 600
Evolution of entry-level postdoctoral stipend (NIH) from 1975 to 2022
The NIH postdoctoral stipend has slowly increased since the mid-1970’s.
Postdoctoral stipend history (NIH) at different levels of experience from 1975 to 2022
Year Pre-doc Post-doc Level 0 Post-doc Level 1 Post-doc Level 2 Post-doc Level 3 Post-doc Level 4 Post-doc Level 5 Post-doc Level 6 Post-doc Level 7
2022 26 352 54 840 55 224 55 632 57 852 59 784 61 992 64 296 66 600
2021 25 836 53 760 54 144 54 540 56 712 58 608 60 780 63 036 65 292
2020 25 320 52 704 53 076 53 460 55 596 57 456 59 580 61 800 64 008
2019 24 816 50 004 50 376 50 760 52 896 54 756 56 880 59 100 61 308
2018 24 324 48 432 48 804 49 188 51 324 53 184 55 308 57 528 59 736
2017 23 844 47 484 47 844 48 216 50 316 52 140 54 228 56 400 58 560
2016 23 376 43 692 45 444 47 268 49 152 51 120 53 160 55 296 57 504
2015 22 920 42 840 44 556 46 344 48 192 50 112 52 116 54 216 56 376
2014 22 476 42 000 43 680 45 432 47 244 49 128 51 096 53 148 55 272
2013 22 032 39 264 41 364 44 340 46 092 47 820 49 884 51 582 54 180
2012 22 032 39 264 41 364 44 340 46 092 47 820 49 884 51 582 54 180
2011 21 600 38 496 40 548 43 476 45 192 46 884 48 900 50 832 53 112
2010 21 180 37 740 39 756 42 624 44 304 45 960 47 940 49 836 52 068
2009 20 976 37 368 39 360 42 204 43 860 45 504 47 460 49 344 51 552
2008 20 772 36 996 38 976 41 796 43 428 45 048 46 992 48 852 51 036
2007 20 772 36 996 38 976 41 796 43 428 45 048 46 992 48 852 51 036
2006 20 772 36 996 38 976 41 796 43 428 45 048 46 992 48 852 51 036
2005 20 772 35 568 37 476 41 796 43 428 45 048 46 992 48 852 51 036
2004 20 772 35 568 37 476 41 796 43 428 45 048 46 992 48 852 51 036
2003 19 968 34 200 36 108 40 920 42 648 44 364 46 404 48 444 50 808
2002 18 156 31 092 32 820 38 712 40 692 42 648 44 616 46 584 48 852
2001 16 500 28 260 29 832 35 196 36 996 38 772 40 560 42 348 44 412
2000 15 060 26 916 28 416 33 516 35 232 36 936 38 628 40 332 42 300
1999 14 685 26 250 27 720 32 700 34 365 36 030 37 680 39 345 41 265
1998 11 748 21 000 22 176 26 160 27 492 28 824 30 144 31 476 33 012
1997 11 496 20 292 21 420 25 600 26 900 28 200 29 500 30 800 32 300
1994 10 008 19 608 20 700 25 600 26 900 28 200 29 500 30 800 32 300
1991 8 800 18 600 19 700 25 600 26 900 28 200 29 500 30 800 32 300
1989 8 500 17 000 18 000 25 000 26 250 27 500 28 750 30 000 31 500
1985 6 552 15 996 17 004 21 996 23 004 24 000 26 004 27 996 30 000
1983 5 292 14 040 14 736 15 468 16 236 17 040 17 892 18 780 19 716
1980 5 040 13 380 14 040 14 736 15 468 16 236 17 040 17 892 18 780
1975 3 900 10 000 10 800 11 500 12 200 12 800 13 200 - -
How does entry-level postdoctoral stipend compare to other U.S. jobs median annual salaries (USD) ?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the first quarter of 2022 was $1,037 per week or $53,924 per year for a 40-hour work week.
In 2016, the entry-level postdoctoral stipend ($43,692 per year) was bellow the median wage for workers in the United States ($44,148 per year).
Since 2017, it is finally above it.
Check bellow how does postdoctoral stipend compare to other jobs in the U.S.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, data from 2018.
- Stipends from the National Research Service Award (NRSA) program from the National Institute of Health (NIH)
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